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Appear on investors' radars
Find new customers from a database of more than 60 thousand companies across Eurasia
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Use more than 30 filters and form a list of potential customers with Dsight
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Identify your direct competitors, analyze and track their activity
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Find requests which your company can solve and find new clients
Find corporate requests for technologies and solutions
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Find promising technological solutions for your business
Use convenient filtering, export, saved lists and selection of analogues to analyze and monitor the market of technology companies
Conduct market analysis and monitoring
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Find the solutions you are interested in by sorting them by industry, tech. verticals, region, stages, financing and other aspects
Find promising technological solutions for your business
Use convenient filtering, export, saved lists and selection of analogues to analyze and monitor the market of technology companies
Conduct market analysis and monitoring
Follow current venture deals
Get complete information about the venture capital market
Connect with the best suited
Use an automated funnel of interesting projects to speed up the selection process
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15 results
Restricted access
1 User
* Special conditions for startups
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Full access
1 User

Full access
Full access
3 User
3 250 $
6 months
6 months
Purpose: Тo analyze the market or technology sector in a format of a specialized adhoc research
Research of technologies and industries
Implementation period: from 1 month
Competitive analysis of digital products
Purpose: Conduct competitive analysis to learn about the best practices of competitors and use them to develop your product
Duration: quarterly
Purpose: To identify current trends in the studied areas, search for growth points for the development of their own digital products / new niches for investment
Implementation period: from 3 weeks
Overview of venture ecosystems
Purpose: Specialized ad hoc research for the analysis of venture ecosystems
Implementation period: from 1 month
Implementation period: 3-4 weeks
Purpose: To find the most compatible solutions/technologies for your needs. Scouting, analysis, and selection of startups
Standard Scouting
Implementation period: 2 weeks
Implementation period: 1 week
Express Scouting
Purpose: Quick search for solutions for a specific request of a business customer
Purpose: Get introduced to startups who are ready to solve your needs